Seriously theres so much crap just forget about it.
#1 Movie Theatre Commercials
Published on June 6, 2004 By Chris Huber In Welcome
Well after seeing a bunch of movies this last month i'd have to say commercials in movie theatres are annoying as all hell. I don't mind movie trailers I mean they keep you up and informed on whats coming out and are entertaining but it just kills me to have to sit through a 3 minute commercial of the stupid dancing Fantana Drink girls. I mean can the commercial get anymore annoying with all the perfect people drinking something to sugary for them in the first place and oh my god THE SONG!! ugh This commercial is true marketing. As you can tell I defiently know what the drink is and I know about it but seeing that commercial really makes me not to ever want to see or hear of Fantana again. Oh and the stupid bod body spray commercials I mean can they get any more homo erotic???? I'm not to sure who there target audience is... But whatever. When I watch these commercials they really make me think about what the hell really is the meaning of all of this? ugh just forget about it. Were such a fast food nation.
on Jan 13, 2005
Yeah I can relate. We have them here in canada too. However at the price of movies these days you'd think why should I have to pay to sit and here this shit! On the other hand after I pay $13 to goto the movie I wonder if it would be $15 or even $17 for admission if we didn't sit through a lousy 3 minute commercial.